Thursday 7 July 2011

Getting the story right is just as important as ever

The advent of social media and the rise in viral marketing has led to firms scrambling for a social media strategy, often at the expense of mainstream PR. But the basic principle of PR – to develop a newsworthy story and share it with those who can provide valid outside endorsement and via targeted distribution - ring true in both worlds. Successful PR campaigns will be based on the integration of the two disciplines.

A study by George Washington University found that journalists increasingly use social media to research stories. However, they trust these sources less than traditional ones.

Don Bates, founding director of the GWU Strategic Public Relations Programme, says: “Social media provides a wealth of new information for journalists, but getting the story right is just as important as ever. As PR professionals increasingly utilise social media as a means of communication, they have an even greater responsibility than before to ensure the information they provide journalists with is accurate and timely.”

Meanwhile media consumption is also becoming more diversified, with people getting their news from many different sources. In an attempt to filter this information, people are looking for authoritative sources and they find those at content rich sites. According to a study from the Online Publishers Association, most people who are online spend the majority of their time at these content rich sites.

Therefore communicating with authority and relevance is a must if you are to reach your target market.

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