Friday, 10 May 2013

6 Lessons from IBM

Throughout the day, hundreds of messages organizations try to convey to their respective audience that ultimately fail to resonate.  What is going wrong? Why is it that brands, although capitalizing on a genuine intention to connect and engage, are failing to do so? Inspiring.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

More ROI with your social media

The Social Media ROI Cookbook: Six Ingredients Top Brands Use
In this free report, industry expert Altimeter explores the most effective "ingredients" for measuring the revenue impact of social media, providing insights and case studies from an array of top companies. Offerpop is happy to make this penetrating study available to SmartBrief readers. Download the book for free here.

Internal PR as foundation

We hear a lot about external PR best practices these days. Articles, blog posts and books. These are all excellent references to read, identifying meaningful bits and pieces of the advice and observations that can be put into practice to become more effective PR practitioners. There is one thing; why isn’t there more written about effective internal PR as the foundation for external strategies? Read John Traders blog here.