Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Gold & Silver!

CitySavvy wins two Communicate Magazine Corporate & Financial Awards
               Gold award for ‘Best management of investor and analyst relations’
               Silver award for ‘Best analyst/investor/press meeting’

We won two awards at the Communicate Magazine Corporate & Financial Awards: a gold award in the category ‘Best management of investor and analyst relations’ and a silver award in the category ‘Best analyst/investor/press meeting’. So the gala diner yesterday by Communicate Magazine at the Victory Service Club was a big success for us.

Friday, 7 June 2013

Cocktail ahoy!

Work hard, play hard. With other Spaces tenants cocktails on a boat.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Start your UK business

For those entrepreneurs who are keen to start a business in the UK. Blick Rothenberg Chartered Accountants wrote an interesting paper. Read it here.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Tim Milburn on communication

You can improve your ability to communicate. You can get better at it. Oftentimes, you don’t even have to learn something new. By sim- ply unlearning false assumptions and common misconceptions, you will notice that your communication style becomes more effective. At some point, each of us has probably thought that one of the fol- lowing 10 myths would make us a better communicator. Read his blog here.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Social media, but now right

Social media campaigns are doomed from the beginning, well most of them. If that happens you can still solve it, but do stuff on social media is simply not enough to generate the ROI you want, you need. If you start off on the wrong foot, then it's hard to convince others in your company to keep going in the face of lackluster results  And if you don't have the right frame of mind from the start, then you'll be easily pressured to give up or give in -- before you actually start to see the real upside and benefits. So here are three mistakes to watch out for, and how you can fix each one. Read more here.

Did we tell you we got nominated, twice?

We have been selected as a finalist in the category 'Best management of investor and analyst relations' and the category 'Best analyst/investor/press meeting' for the Communicate Magazine Corporate & Financial Awards. The winners will be announced on June 18 in London, so fingers crossed!

Communicatie Online wrote the following Dutch article about it.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

So, now we really moved

The signing from our Covent Garden office finally arrived at the new Fleet Street office.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

5 x 5

25 tips we don't want to keep from you: 

Despite the ongoing proliferation in digital-media channels, press releases have not gone out of style writes Matthew Schwartz on PR News. Here his
5 Tips to follow when writing press releases 

The days of handing out survey forms after events as the only measurement to the success of an event are long since gone. Now we can get a flavor of what is trending in real time on The Social Media Jedi:
5 Tips for enabling social buzz at events 

Treat your online profile as a professional asset and determine if it positions you the way you want it to. Google yourself often and see what the world sees when they look for you, writes Juila Furlan in Metro. Read her
5 Tips for managing your online reputation 

When disaster strikes you don't have time to do this, so be prepared. Stephen Lock from Edelman gives us
5 Tips for Disaster Communications 

We hear a lot about external PR best practices these days. Articles, blog posts, podcasts, books and a host of other references, John Trader writes on PR Breakfast Club. He lists
5 Tips to practice effective internal PR

Friday, 10 May 2013

6 Lessons from IBM

Throughout the day, hundreds of messages organizations try to convey to their respective audience that ultimately fail to resonate.  What is going wrong? Why is it that brands, although capitalizing on a genuine intention to connect and engage, are failing to do so? Inspiring.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

More ROI with your social media

The Social Media ROI Cookbook: Six Ingredients Top Brands Use
In this free report, industry expert Altimeter explores the most effective "ingredients" for measuring the revenue impact of social media, providing insights and case studies from an array of top companies. Offerpop is happy to make this penetrating study available to SmartBrief readers. Download the book for free here.

Internal PR as foundation

We hear a lot about external PR best practices these days. Articles, blog posts and books. These are all excellent references to read, identifying meaningful bits and pieces of the advice and observations that can be put into practice to become more effective PR practitioners. There is one thing; why isn’t there more written about effective internal PR as the foundation for external strategies? Read John Traders blog here.

Friday, 3 May 2013

C-level and social media, some tips

For the IR team and their consultants it is hard enough to keep on top of the regulations.  Plus the virtual conversations about your company and the fact that you know you should be a part of those online discussions through social networks.  But before you can even think of having a social media presence you have to get buy-in from the C-Suite. How to do so? Click here.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

What not to say on Twitter

In his book Ultimate Guide to Twitter for Business, online marketing expert Ted Prodromou offers an easy-to-understand guide to using Twitter that will help small-business owners generate leads and connect with customers. In this edited excerpt, the author offers tips on the topics and tactics you should avoid when Tweeting. Read more here.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

TEDx: on “Love is Not Enough”

The Royal Geographic Society was a rather unlikely yet beautiful venue for the TEDx London Business School talk last week – the event was attended by many of the most up-and-coming brand-builders.

One of the speakers was the charismatic and entertaining Erich Joachimsthaler, founder and CEO of Vivaldi Partners. Despite the ubiquitous role of SEO technology and online marketing, the talk on brand-building is more and more focused on maintaining a more organic rapport with customers, or as our friends on the other side of the pond like to put it, “keeping it real”.

But Joachim was adamant that “Love isn’t Enough” and that building a brand’s reputation goes beyond being passionate about the brand. You have to add genuine value to your clients’ lives. You have to save them time. Make processes easier for them. We may have fancy ways of reaching new audiences, but good service is still the pillar for any brand’s reputation.

As such, the line between consumer and corporate PR is rather thin. Servicing is a large portion of what our clients do on the corporate end, and they are using new technology, too.
The use of new technology will no doubt pervade throughout all sectors and here at City Savvy, we like to think our large corporate client base is just as “cool” as any consumer brand.

B2B PR blog

Our director/partner Julian Rea wrote about the Bangladesh building disaster on 'The B2B PR Blog'. A clear story. read his entry

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Risk Congress of Banking & Finance Magazine, Brussels

Today the 'Risk@360Degrees' Congress in Brussels. Managed by Banking & Finance Magazine with fantastic speakers like Sébastien de Brouwer (MD of the European Banking Federation) and ABN AMRO Compliance chief Nico Zwikker.

Friday, 19 April 2013

A new window, on the future

Our Amsterdam office has a new window. Since today.
OK, there was a window before, but without plain glass so we could not see the sky.
Now we can and so we are in an excellent position for some blue sky thinking.

Guardian editor to join Twitter

The editor of the Guardian's datablog and datastore, Simon Rogers, is moving to San Francisco to take up the role of data editor at Twitter at the end of May. Rogers, who set up the datablog at the Guardian in 2009, will relocate to San Francisco, with the Guardian's James Ball to take over as editor of the datablog and datastore. Interesting development. Here more.

Pitching journalists?

A few years ago,  the website called FindHow was launched. Full-court press from a PR standpoint. In this series of articles, best practices we leveraged,
Ted Ives writes "Here, we conclude with tips for pitching journalists and how to work it before, during and after the announcement of your release." Know more? Click here.


Corporate & Financial Awards 2013, Communicate Magazine

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Cake, always good

Today starts with a cake delivered to our Amsterdam office. A gift from the new digital agency of Martijn van Beelen, Virtual Writings. Good luck Martijn. Thanks for the cake.

Internship, stage plaats

No, we did not yet find the intern we are looking for. Candidates can still send their resumé to Harriët.
That applies to both our London and Amsterdam office.

Yes, we entered the competition

Of course CitySavvy entered the 'Corporate & Financial Awards' of Communicate Magazine. We'll keep you posted.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Socrates in the building

Our motto for this week.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

We are a very stylish agency

True, we are. Very much so.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

How green is your event?

Grüne und umweltfreundliche Aspekte genießen großes Interesse bei Event-Veranstaltern, doch an der Umsetzung hapert es gewaltig. Das fand der Online-Eventregistrierer amiando in einer Umfrage heraus. 

Read more here; if you read German.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Are you our new intern in Amsterdam?

We have a desk available for an intern. You? Look here for info.

TV tweets

U.S. TV viewers are taking to Twitter to talk about TV, and the digital chatter is building steam. According to SocialGuide, 32 million un- que people in the U.S. Tweeted about TV in 2012. That’s quite the confab, but what does it all really mean for the TV industry? Should networks and advertisers be paying attention? Early research on the subject from Nielsen and SocialGuide says yes. 

Monday, 8 April 2013

3 ways Google Glass could influence PR

Sure, the device seems like a futuristic oddity now, but if it gains popularity it could have a significant effect on public relations. Read more here.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Less journalists, less journalism

What will PR pro's do when there are no journalists around anymore? Ever wonder?
Read some interesting stuff here.

Measure, know more

A vast majority of PR professionals measure their public relations efforts, but few are sufficiently satisfied with their efforts, according to a Ragan/NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions online survey. Ragan reports on it.
We need more discussion on ROI of PR. We can only do so if we measure first and measure correctly.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

PR is advertising, or not?

If anything, it's the other way around. Marketing and advertising are morphing more into public relations, blogt Frank Strong.

Monday, 1 April 2013

How to get the most out of your PR Firm

We are all try to max communication value. Get more for less budget. Squeeze more results from a smaller budget. Yet achieving these goals is not simple, but needs a professional touch. Read the blog of Jim Bianchi.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Press release or not

Fast forward to today. Writing press releases with your PR agency and pitching them to the media is pretty much a thing of the past. Today you have direct access to your audience via the Internet. read the 'B2B inbound blog' here.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

IR professionals make a difference

Steve Kelly, managing director of Thomson Reuters Extel published an interesting article in the Financial Times. The linkedin group 'Investor Relations Executives platforms a debate on it.
Kelly states that is is still important for listed companies to make sure that C-level has face-to-face meetings with 'buy side' investment professionals. Read the FT article hereIR professionals can play a vital role to make sure that these meetings happen and generate ROI for all.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Harvard Business School knows

Measure impact of communications efforts is key. It is no longer enough just to claim that you make a difference. "Can you prove it?", is the question. All corporate comms professionals should applaud this. But how to measure. Harvard Business School did research. Results here.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

PR, stress?

PR typically makes it to the top ten most stressful professions in the world, along with policeman, army generals and fire-fighters. Insane deadlines, an evolving role, 24/7 social media gaze, demanding clients, irate reporters. So it’s no wonder that PR professionals in India , like their counterparts across the globe, are feeling the stress. Here more.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Our motto for this week

Monday, 25 February 2013

Social Media Advice You Should Ignore

There are a lot of so-called 'social media experts' out there. Offering advice, sometimes based on limited experiences, and sometimes based on nothing at all, read  the blog by Ellie Mirman.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Social media attack ... now what

Being attacked by opponents with campaigns on social media that go – or have the potential of going – viral is a fear that many brands share in common. Especially when you look at the attacks that well-organized. Big brands know what they talk about. Melissa Agnes tells all about it. CitySavvy offers a one day workshop together with Bernhard Warner, author of the book "#Fail, The 50 greatest social media screw-ups".

Friday, 22 February 2013

Great apps for comms professionals

Kelsey Libert listed ten apps that you want to add to your smartphone if you are a communications professional. PRNewser published the list. Look here.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

What time to issue a press release?

Do we still do press releases? Yes, we do. We all do.
But what is the best time to do so? Early in the morning? Later in the day? Some answers here.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Wine Investing

Two days ago, our London team attended one of the wine seminars organised by the impressively knowledgeable Denis Houlès, founder of the Claret Club – an exclusive membership organisation open to those with a keen interest in wine, both as a drink and an asset class.

Wine is often overlooked as an elusive commodity, but for real connoisseurs, the very nature of the product  and its aging cycles makes it an  appealing asset class for mid-to-long term investing. Over the past decade, wine investment has persistently outperformed market indices.

As a PR agency, we feel that wine’s behaviour on the market is a great reminder of the impact of good and bad press.  For wine in particular, the opinions of one American wine critic, Robert Parker– “the million dollar nose” –  have an almost instant effect on market trends.  A good example is the 2005 Château Haut-Brion, which market price varies almost in perfect sync with Parker’s taste ratings, to the point that even a passing remark in the press (as opposed to a formal rating) can send the market price soaring.

It is safe to say that Parker’s tongue rules the wine market. This goes to show that for wine, more than for any other commodity, reputation is truly everything.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Intern ... ?

Our friends from Banking & Finance Magazine are looking for an intern (Dutch). Interested, look here. CitySavvy has room for an intern too. Details here.

QR, forget it

The tale of the QR code is a sordid story. The QR (Quick Response) code was originally the trademark name for a two-dimensional barcode system. It was invented in 1994 by Denso Wave, a Toyota subsidiary, as a way to track vehicles as they were assembled, and to scan components at high speeds. While Denso Wave holds the patent on the technology, they granted free license on it, going so far as to publish the specs online, and allowing anyone to use it. Read Paul's blog here.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

PR: Green Wash liquid?

PR is often maligned as a purveyor of greenwash but what if it was employed to play a more active role in building trust and effecting change? Read more in The Guardian.

Who runs your twitter account?

Does the board room grasps the potential impact of social media? Do they really? In Forbes a insightful story about what happens when social media is left to the intern.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Is Twitter becoming less useful?

Former Twitter evangelist Matt Lewis writes that the platform has stopped being a useful community and has become a noisy, crowded place dominated by crude and mean-spirited people. But Rebecca Greenfield writes that a look at Lewis' Twitter feed suggests he's making basic mistakes, such as following spambots and failing to unfollow dull Twitter users.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Photographers Rogier Maaskant and Rob Marinissen have launched a great initiative, ClothesDropSyria, to help Syrian refugees by collecting clothes In various locations in Netherlands, and shipping them to Turkey where a significant number of Syrian nationals are living in dreadful conditions. Details and collection points are available on their Facebook page

Amsterdam internship

We're looking for an intern in the Amsterdam office. Look here.

4 trends in PR

PR and marketing departments have faced a number of significant changes in recent years. Bloggers have shaken up the media landscape; consumer skepticism has driven brands to be more innovative; and social media has forced companies to reach a new level of transparency.
Over the past few months, several more trends have led to major shifts in the role of the PR professional, among them. Read more here.